
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Polleit

Since April 2012 Prof. Dr. Thorsten Polleit is responsible for the economic analyses on the topics of  business activity, precious metals and financial markets, and monetary and economic policy. Previously, since 2000 Dr. Polleit worked for the British investment bank Barclays Capital in Germany, before that he worked as chief economist for ABN Amro in London, Amsterdam and Frankfurt.

Since 2003 he is honorary professor at the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management. Dr. Polleit specializes in financial and capital market theory and is an advocate of the "Austrian School of economics". He is member of the Friedrich A. von Hayek Gesellschaft and Adjunct Fellow at the Luwig von Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama. Dr. Polleit teaches at the University of Duisburg-Essen and at the University of Bayreuth and is co-founder of the research network "The Roleof Money in the Economy (ROME)".

In 1996, Dr. Polleit obtained his doctorate at the University of Münster.