
Gerald Celente

Gerald Celente is founder/director of Trends Research Institute and publisher of the weekly "Trends Journal." He is author of the praised and well-sold books "Trend Tracking" and "Trends 2000" (Warner Books).

Due to his 40 year track record in recognizing, tracking and predicting trends, Celente has become leading trend prognosticator. Celente earned his reputation as trustworthy trend researcher due to his precise predictions; including the stock market crash in 1987, the dotcom bust, the "gold bull run", the "panic of 2008", the rise of organic food and popularity of gourmet coffee, long before Starbucks became a household word.

Celente, who developed the globalnomic method for the identifying, tracking, predicting and managing trends, is a political atheist. Free of political dogmas, stiff ideology or conventional wisdom, Celente observes and analyzes current events forming future trends as what they are - not what he wants them to be. His motto is "Think for Yourself."

As a true American patriot, Celente owns three pre-revolutionary stone buildings in the historic corner of America, in which the seeds of democracy were once sown, colonial Kingston, the first capital in the state of New York.

He refers to himself as "Warrior for the Prince of Peace" and is founder of "Occupy Peace & Freedom", a non-profit movement honoring the constitution, the bill of rights and the restoration of freedom.


Gerard Celente - Prepare for The Greatest Depression
The world is changing and will bring changes for everyone that are unimaginable. What role does Corona play and what more can we expect? A downright crazy script is running before our eyes. The consequences will be dramatic for the whole world. The big cities will be orphaned and become ghost towns. The finances are ruined, gold is rising. Next year, $3,000? Anything is possible. Finances and economy in turmoil will drive the poor to the still rich countries. And in the meantime the civil rights are being polished. Freedom is kept by those who defend it.
Gerald Celente - Bereiten Sie sich auf die größte Depression vor
Die Welt ist im Wandel und wird für jeden Veränderungen bringen, die man sich nicht vorstellen kann. Welche Rolle spielt Corona und was können wir noch erwarten? Ein geradezu wahnwitziges Drehbuch läuft vor unseren Augen ab. Die Folgen werden für die ganze Welt dramatisch sein. Die Großstädte verwaisen und werden zu Geisterstädten. Die Finanzen sind ruiniert, Gold steigt. Nächstes Jahr 3.000 Dollar? Alles ist möglich. Finanzen und Wirtschaft in Aufruhr werden die Armen in die noch reichen Länder treiben. Und währenddessen werden die Bürgerreche geschliffen. Die Freiheit behält, wer sie verteidigt.