
Matterhorn Asset Management AG

Egon von Greyerz started Matterhorn Asset Management (MAM) in 1999 as a private investment company. From the very beginning, wealth preservation was an important cornerstone of the company. Already back in early 2002, we were of the opinion that financial and economic risk in the world was getting uncomfortably high. So that year we made substantial investments in the physical gold market at $300 average. We recommended to our clients/partners to invest at least 25% and up to 50% of financial assets into physical gold. With global risk considerably higher today, we believe that an important exposure to physical gold is critical.

As gold started to rise in the early 2000s, demand for physical gold increased and in 2005 we set up a regulated company in Zurich - Matterhorn Asset Management AG. A couple of years later we formed GoldSwitzerland which is the precious metals division of MAM.


"Unser globaler Kundenstamm verwahrt einen bedeutenden Vermögensanteil strategisch in physischem Gold & Silber in der Schweiz, außerhalb des Bankensystems. Wir freuen uns, unserer Kundschaft aus über 70 Ländern einen einzigartigen Service bieten zu können."